Port Of Christiansted Sea Port Information And Characteristics Port Information

Christiansted, also called Bassin, chief town and port of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, on the northeastern coast of the island. Exports are mainly watches and rum. It was formerly the capital of the Danish West Indies and was a boyhood residence (1765) of the American statesman Alexander Hamilton. Pop. (2000) 2,637; (2010) 2,433.

UN Locator Code


Port Details


Vessel line-up and schedule


Terminal Details and information of Christiansted Sea Port

Shore Crane
Berth No LOA(Mrts) Beam(Mtrs) Draft(Mtrs) DWT Qty SWL Cargo Handled
Christiansted Terminal

Note : The Port Information, Restrictions updated are current & and can be changed without any prior intimation by authority. We shall not be responsible for any.

Port Information and Characteristics of Christiansted Sea Port

Detailed information about Port of Christiansted Sea Port. Know the Information and Characteristics about Christiansted Sea Port: port location, Christiansted Sea Port harbor characteristics, Christiansted Sea Port water depth, Christiansted Sea Port port services, restrictions, Terminal Details etc