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PT. Anchore Single Marine

Location :Tangerang, Indonesia

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About us

Dear Sir/Madam,
We offering to be your reliable Ships Supplier all cover at Indonesia port. We are Ships Supplier & Marine Service all cover Indonesia port.

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the leading ship chandler at port of all Indonesia. We are providing our best services to various foreign ships with quality good & competitive prices on cash/credit payment base is involved in in the year Last 5 years

Under your Good management time to time many vessels arrived at all indonesia port. So, We are interested to provide our services to your good vessels. As such we would request you kindly give us a change to provide our services as test base. Hope you will get better services with competitive expenses on 30 - 60 days credit base.

We would be most grateful if your kind honor could kindly allow us to carry out services as required by The Master of the subject to your approval. Or, if you like to know/compare our Present/prices, would request you kindly send us your requirements List for our quotation. We are hopeful our rates/prices will be more Competitive other ship chandlers.

List of Ports Served by Head office:  Cigading,Merak,Anyer,Jakarta,Semarang,Gresik,Surabaya,Panjang,Belawan,Padang,Palembang,Medan,Batam, Taboneo,Samarinda,Tj.Bara,Bontang,Ciwandan and others port available around Indonesia.
We are Supplying the following: 
* Deck,Engine,Cabin Store and machinery,Lime Powder,(Under of ISSA/IMPA Code) 
* Charts,Nautical Publication,Flags and Stationary 
* Bonded store (Soft Drinks,Cigarettes,Beer,..Etc) 
* Fresh or Frozen and dry Provisions In Additional : 
* All kind of Technical and repair 
* Life raft Service (By any Class) and supplying of Safety equipment/Certification 
* Cargo Transit 
* Lub Oil 
* Under water (Cleaning,..Etc) 
* Lime Powder (Hacht Washing) 
* Bunkers Etc  

If you need any information / clarification do not hesitate to contact us at any time, we are always ready to provide our best services at any Time.

Mobile/Whatsapp : +62 8228 909 2364

Your kind reply by return Whatsapp or E-mail will be highly appreciated.

Looking forward to hear from you soon

Best Regards
Imam Wahyu Effendi

Our Vision

We are Supplying the following:
* Deck,Engine,Cabin Store and machinery,Lime Powder,(Under of ISSA/IMPA Code) 
* Charts,Nautical Publication,Flags and Stationary 
* Bonded store (Soft Drinks,Cigarettes,Beer,..Etc)

Why Choose Us

24/7 Customer Service

E : anchrSM@gmail.com

24/7 Customer Service

T : +6282289092364

24/7 Customer Service

Whatsapp : +6282289092364

24/7 Customer Service

P : +6282289092364

Do You Have Any Questions?

Please contact us and we’ll get back to you.


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