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Ship Chandling & Tank Cleaning Company in Gandhidham, India

Our Services / Products / Fleets


A bunkering company in the maritime industry is a specialized company that provides fuel (bunker fuel) and related services to ships. Bunkering involves the process of supplying fuel to vessels, including the storage, handling, and delivery of fuel oil or marine diesel oil. Ruzave Bunkering Directory help to find best Bunker Supplier Company in Port

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Ship Chandlers

A Ship chandler also knowns as ship supply company, is a specialized company that provides a wide range of essential supplies and services to ships. The services and supplies offered by ship chandler companies such as : Provisions Store, Bonded Stores, Deck and Engine Stores, Cabin Stores, Technical Services, Safety Equipment, Freshwater & many more. Ruzave Ship Chandler / Supplier Directory help to find best company in port.

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Hold & Tank Cleaning

Effective hold and tank cleaning is essential, even when a vessel is transporting the same cargo repeatedly. Before loading the next cargo, it's imperative to ensure that all cargo holds and tanks are thoroughly cleaned, regardless of the previous cargo carried Here is the list of company who provide hold & tank cleaning services.

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Office Timing

  • Sunday:
  • Monday:
  • Tuesday:
  • Wednesday:
  • Thursday:
  • Friday:
  • Saturday:
  • Closed
  • 10:00 - 18:00
  • 10:00 - 18:00
  • 10:00 - 18:00
  • 10:00 - 18:00
  • 10:00 - 18:00
  • 10:00 - 18:00

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