Shipping and Logistic Directory

Hellenic Shipbrokers Association (HSA)

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About Us

The Hellenic Shipbrokers' Association (H.S.A),has always been interested in the continuous education of its members. Although the educational level of the last decades is already very high. Particularly the education of the Great Majority members of the recent years are at least of Shipping University  or very often Master's level .The Association, thanks to the support of its members, is very active in offering the opportunity for additional and update knowledge in depth (Gnosis) to the younger Shipbrokers and in general to the Piraeus Shipping Community. We have two targets on educational matters. The first is the continuous education of all our members and in this respect we organize lectures or short seminars on interesting shipping matters and quite frequently invite distinguished speakers from all over the world to update our knowledge. These lectures are not only attended by the Broker-members but also by the whole Piraeus Shipping Community, namely Ship-owners, Shipping lawyers, Charterers, Shipping Bankers, Shipping University Professors etc. keeping also our members on an up-dated position.

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