Shipping and Logistic Directory

Logistics UK

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About Us

Efficient international logistics are vital to keep Britain trading and with Brexit approaching the Logistics UK are working to influence policy makers here and in Europe to ensure customs procedures are as frictionless as possible.  But the Logistics UK’s influence is global, its voice is heard in international policy and regulatory bodies, including bodies such as the World Bank, OECD, International Civil Aviation Authority, and the World Customs Organization. As the UK reaches out for new international trade deals Logistics UK is committed to safeguarding members' interests across all logistics modes, providing on the ground influence, but also equipping members with a flow of timely, and commercially useful information.  Whether it’s chairing the UK Air Freight Working Group, or its role within the Logistics UK administered Global Shippers' Forum, Logistics UK lobbies on behalf of the UK logistics industry and uses this privileged access to shine a light on everything from regulatory constraints to health and safety.    

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