Shipping and Logistic Directory

DCS Shipping & Engineering Co.,Ltd

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About Us

DCS Shipping & Engineering Co.,Ltd (Incorporated with Metalock Qingdao), had been founded as a technical service company in parallel with devolopments in Turkey in ship building and marine industry, offers complete technical and consultancy services for Ship Owners/Managers and other third parties.Our aim is to provide full technical servicing to all Ship Owners/Managers under the supervision of experienced Oceangoing Chief Engineers/Masters, Naval Architects and Electrical/Electronical Service Engineers in our organization.With proud of a lot of completed projects in past, DCS  can arrange riding team members attendance to vessels all around the world, can provide repair servicing during voyages with an efficient way and low costs.Our valued partner Metalock Engineering (Qingdao) Ltd., is a comprehensive Tech-Service company which have Service Stations at Qingdao, Zhoushan, Hongkong, Singapore, Houston and finally in Istanbul by DCS Shipping & Engineering Co.,Ltd. as a serv

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