
Canary Shipping

Ship Agency Company In Misurata, Libya

Our Services / Products / Fleets

Ship Agent

Ship agent, also known as a shipping agent or port agent, serves as a representative or intermediary who acts on behalf of the ship owner, operator, or charterer in various port-related activities related to ship arrivals and departures. Ship agents play a crucial role in facilitating the smooth and efficient operations of ships during their port calls. Ruzave Ship Agent Directory help you to choose best Ship Agent Company at port.

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Marine Ship Survey

Marine Ship surveys and inspections of ships are carried out to ensure the safety and seaworthiness of vessels. sea-going vessels have to go through a series of inspections in order to meet minimum requirements to continue sailing, Draft Survey to be carry out for determine cargo Quantity, Tank sounding taken for determine cargo qty in tanker vessel, Bunker survey or On hire - Off hire Survey to check bunker quantity. Vessel condition survey, pre-purchase survey, vessel damage survey, Vessel hold or tank inspection survey. Here is the list of Marine & Cargo Surveyor.

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